Frame sheet: Coulson vs Forteath - Frame 5

Shot Shot time
21:13:28 - Frame 5 ended. Forteath won 39-12.
Coulson potted the pink. Break 11
Coulson potted the blue. Break 5
Forteath played safe. Break ends at 7. 25.9
Forteath potted the brown. Break 7
Forteath potted the green. Break 3
Coulson missed a green. 13.4
Forteath played safe. 13.2
Coulson played safe. 26.5
Forteath missed a green at 2. 16.2
Forteath potted the yellow. Break 2
Coulson played safe. 12.5
Forteath missed a yellow. 12.6
Coulson played safe. 20.1
Forteath missed a yellow. 10.9
Coulson played safe. 8.6
Forteath played safe. 17
Coulson played safe. 14.1
Forteath missed a colour at 1. 17
Forteath potted a red. Break 1
Coulson played safe. Break ends at 5. 44.4
Coulson potted the brown. Break 5
Coulson potted a red. Break 1
Forteath played safe. 21.5
Coulson played safe. 19.4
Forteath played safe. 40.7
Coulson chooses to have the balls replaced. -
Foul. Garry Coulson 4. 12.8
Coulson played safe. 21.4
Forteath played safe. 15.4
Coulson played safe. 20.1
Forteath played safe. 11.4
Coulson played safe. 13.2
Forteath played safe. 9.2
Coulson played safe. 25.1
Forteath missed a red. 10.8
Coulson missed a colour at 1. 17.4
Coulson potted a red. Break 1
Forteath played safe. 5.9
Coulson played safe. 6.7
Forteath played safe. 32.5
Coulson missed a colour at 1. 19.7
Coulson potted a red. Break 1
Forteath played safe. 14.6
Coulson missed a colour at 1. 16.1
Coulson potted a red. Break 1
Forteath missed a colour at 1. 8.3
Forteath potted a red. Break 1
Coulson missed a red. 18.7
Forteath played safe. -
Coulson played safe. -
Forteath played safe. -
Coulson played safe. Break ends at 1. -
Coulson potted a red. Break 1
Forteath played safe. 13.5
Coulson played safe. 46.9
Forteath played safe. 40.3
Coulson missed a colour at 1. 15
Coulson potted a red. Break 1
Forteath missed a colour at 1. 11.2
Forteath potted a red. Break 1
Coulson played safe. 16.9
Forteath played safe. 19.1
Coulson played safe. Break ends at 1. 13.1
Coulson potted a red. Break 1
Forteath played safe. 11.8
Coulson played safe. 15.5
Forteath played safe. 7.5
Coulson played safe. Break ends at 10. 21.8
Coulson potted the green. Break 10
Coulson potted a red. Break 7
Coulson potted the blue. Break 6
Coulson potted a red. Break 1
Forteath played safe. 28.2
Coulson played safe. Break ends at 1. -
Coulson potted a red. Break 1
Forteath played safe. -
Coulson played safe. 35.6
Forteath played safe. 16.3
Coulson played safe. Break ends at 1. 15.2
Coulson potted a red. Break 1
Forteath played safe. 11
Coulson played safe. Break ends at 1. 10.9
Coulson potted a red. Break 1
20:50:42 - Frame 5. Garry Coulson to break.
00:22:46 duration
83 shots played
15 reds potted
1 yellow potted
2 greens potted
2 browns potted
2 blues potted
1 pink potted
0 blacks potted
1 fouls committed